Journey into Zuri Internship (Back-end Track)

Journey into Zuri Internship (Back-end Track)

Getting started with Zuri Internship after completing the training Zuri Training earlier this month is one initial milestone I'd hope for in the Q1-Q2 of this year. To learn programming is absolutely what anyone can do as long as they have access to the internet, but to master it and make a progression off it is one other dimension many of us overlook and fail on later on the long run. Getting access to mentor in a structured learning environment and learning path is one way to combat the failure, and Zuri with the help of ingressive for good and HNG is helping bridging the gap to make that a possibility. This internship would help most particularly the intermediate developers the most and in that case it's helping me as it is providing all the above mention so as to make my learning curve progress seamlessly in a matter of time and I hope I attain the mastery I'd wish for by the end of the program.

You too can get started early at Zuri Internship and gain your desire skills.

If you're getting started, find these resources to aid your tarting journey.